CityGate aims to be a gateway between time and eternity. We hope to strengthen the witness of the Church by helping people to bridge the gap between the reality of Christ and everyday life.
Francis Schaeffer, missionary and founder of L'Abri Fellowship, used to say that when we come to Christ, we must bow three times. We bow to acknowledge that we are created and finite and that God is uncreated and infinite. We bow because God is the source of knowledge about what is real, and there is much that we do not know. We are dependent on him for knowledge about ultimate reality. We bow because we are moral rebels and God is perfectly good. The gateway into the kingdom is opened to us through the finished work of Christ. “I am the door,” he says.

It helps us visualize the reign of Christ over all his creation. This is the future hope of all His followers and sometimes a present reality as we grow in grace and willing submission. It is not merely for individuals but it is for the community of his people. This involves agreement about what is right and wrong.
Too many of his followers stay in the gate and do not move into the City; repeating our story about the forgiveness of sin we forget that the writer to the Hebrews called this “laying again a foundation from dead works” but he also says “Solid food is for the mature, for those whose faculties have been trained by practice to distinguish good from evil”.